Thursday, February 22, 2007

Long Time no See

Isn't that what you say when you see someone you haven't seen in a while?


Well - as with my last post last year, things have been CRAZY for my family.

In November my husband was diagnosed with MS - so we've been struggling with that and trying to get him in to a support group. He's not very recpetive, but his attack lasted 2.5 months and he is still recovering.

He's been put into a study group for an increased dosage of a medication designed for people with MS to help them manage the's been really tough on all of us and we're stretched pretty thin because money is quite tight now with him having been off work for so long.

Anyway, that's neither here nor there I suppose in the whole scheme of things.

I'm teaching at a local community college, a special program for retraining people who have been without work for more than a year to help them use computers and get better jobs.

I love the class and the people in it are wonderful! it's great experience but the pay sucks. I'm hardly making the lease payments on my office and with the hours I'm teaching (8 am - 1pm) it is almost impossible to schedule things for the afternoon because I don't get from the college to my office until around 2 so who wants training from 2 to 5? hmm...actually - maybe I should think that out again!

Anyway, just wanted you to know I'm here and still visit you all from time to time but just don't have time for comments - I made time today because we are learning about blogging in class --- it's my way of showing my students how to use the internet for fun and business :-)

Take care all!