I got a beta version of Word 2007 from my friend B. at Microsoft. It was actually a give-a-way at our meeting tonight for the IT Pro group I work with, but I asked really nicely if I could have it since there were SO many items to give away and he said sure. He also told me I'd LOVE the new Outlook and he's right! I DO!
I'm also finding the new version of Word is much easier to use than I anticpated. I haven't had any problems using it and for writers it is much easier to use for word counts and editing than Word 2003 (which I still love).
So, for those of you out there that want to try something different, give a new perspective to your writing without starting a new work, why not download the beta version of Office 2007 and start using it? My version is good until February 2007 (the new proposed release date of the software) but I have to be ready to present "why implement the new office" for September.
Maybe I should just try to write about Techie stuff instead of these romantic ramblings I want to get out.
Speaking of romantic, my hubby is sawing logs, literally! and just listening to that rhythmic in/out sawing is driving me NUTS! LOL I think I'll stick my headphones on and put a groovey 70's radio station on my iTunes.