I heard that this morning. A comment that a mother at baseball made to her daughter and the daughter turned, telling her mother that 'perhaps that was better left unsaid'.
I almost spewed my coffee out my nose as the young girl was only about 8 or 9. The mother looked absolutely appalled, and to be honest, I agreed with the kid.
That got me thinking about other things. Have I said things like what the mom said to my own daughter about her baseball skills and if so, how could I fix it?
Well it doesn't seem as though I have anything to worry about. When I asked my girl she said all was good and that I'm a very supportive mom who only wants her girl to give 100% all the time. *heart glowed*
I took my portable office with me to baseball today and sat waiting for her instead of dropping her off for a few hours and coming back to the ball diamond. I thought I'd get some work done, some ideas down and so I set to work.
Reading over a file I found from about two years ago I realized that perhaps what I wrote back then was also 'better left unsaid'. I must have been going through something horrible at the time because it was complete crap. What I wrote made sense on a grand scale, but just didn't flow and sounded very amateurish...and I don't even remember writing it so that tells me something. Then again, I often don't remember what I wrote. I was the same in university when I had essays to do. I would research them and write and edit them, but don't ask me to tell you about what I wrote except for the "facts". Which makes me think of Dragnet...LOL
My mind is wandering. I think I'll go take a look at some of the writing I did on the weekend. My girl is walking Ellie, Honey-bun is working very late, so right now the house is mine.
It is true, Silence really is golden.
(and as an aside...I finally joined the Pink Heart Society so I should think about getting that on my blog).