Tag - I'm it - thank you MsCreativity. I'll see if I can do this question justice.
If you could write a novel about any subject, what would it be?
Well I'm really into romantic suspense - I've always loved a good mystery and some thrillers I've read have been good too but I prefer mystery to thrillers.
I guess if I could do anything I'd write a who-dun-it in the vane of Dame Agatha Christie (one of my personal favourites). The reason I would want to do this is because she was very successful as the at character development and plot - so many of her heros/heroines went on to solve multiple mysteries.
I would write a mystery involving a youngish couple who, eventually, after solving many mysteries together, fall in love and live happily ever after.
Since most of us are already writers of some type, we are probably already writing that novel about that subject we always wanted to write about....n'est pas?
So - how about you Stacy?