Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Writer's block.

Never thought I'd suffer from it, but I've been trying to force myself to write since I have some time.

Nothing is coming. I can't even get a clear picture in my mind of any of my main characters so there isn't even a chance to get some planning done for my story.

Yes, I keep calling it a story because I don't know if it will be a short story or a novel. I am of course aiming for a novel, but I'll settle for any words right now!

Since I'm suffering from the lack of creative juices flowing from my brian to my keyboard, I thought I'd try to find something stimulating on iTunes.

I found the neatest channels in the radio links for Talk radio...there are a couple of channels dedicated to one of my favourite things! OTR! That's right - Old Time Radio - all the best shows from the era before television, where families would sit together around the radio and listen to stories, letting their minds draw the scenes, and their imaginations fill in all the details, scents and colours!

Those were the days...and I'm really enjoying listening to the Mystery channel. They had the radio play for "Lifeboat" on and amazing as this sounds, that movie was just on TMN last week! I watched it and it is one of my favourites!

Ah, I'm off to listen to Dragnet! Hmm...maybe my next male character should be based on Jack Webb's Friday!