I went to see The Devil Wears Prada and I really enjoyed it. Meryl Streep is amazing as always.
I admit I've never read the book so I cannot make any comparisons - so for my next read, I'm going to get it from the bookstore and read it.
I have an appointment for my back today and I've been struggling with the rececnt passing of my grandfather, so I find I'm not able to concentrate on writing what I really want to write. Instead I've jotted down some of my thoughts and feelings over the last few days.
There is no direction to what I've written, but I've started to review it. It's quite raw really, my feelings hanging out so I'm not sure it's anything I could ever share. But I do have a few things that could be effectively written into stories and I may just have to find a way to include one or two snippets in a work.
Well - I'm off to my appointment.