Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Edge of my Concious

Maybe the isn't exactly the title for this post, but in a way, I suppose it fits.

We visited a friend in Toronto last night, went to dinner and a movie, had a really nice time, and stayed WAY later than I had planned.

I don't sleep in moving vehicles. It has something to do with not being able to see my life flash before my eyes if there is a crash but that's for another time.

As I was very tired, and my eyes were very heavy, I decided to try different things to keep my mind from wondering over that line between sleep and awake. I was just barely concious of where we were, how fast we were driving, how many vehicles were around us. The music, one of my favourite artists, Duncan Shiek played softly in the background as I watched an RV with four bikes on the back drive by.

I often like to imagine where they are from, where they are going, what they've seen on their vacation, are they fugitives (**giggles a little too loudly**). It makes the time pass much faster and I find that I get some good ideas for places, actions, modes of transportation and of course for reasons people do the things they do.

Last night while I was bordering on the edge, I had a wonderful idea creep into my head.

This usually isn't a bad thing, as I find the more ideas that I have the more I can choose what project I want to work on.

The timing on this idea however, couldn't have been any worse.

Since we were going to a friend's for dinner and the movie, I decided to clean out my purse. In cleaning out my purse I removed THREE, yes THREE critical items that would have been very helpful to me.
  • facial tissues mini pack
  • my notebook/pen combo
  • my digital recorder

I had to resort to using the inside of a Dentyne gum pack to jot down the idea. Cinnamon.

Now if only my idea can prove to be as hot as the gum inside the wrapping.