Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Move is complete

Yes, the move from my old blog site to this one is now complete with only a few minor issues to contend makes me so happy that I have Dreamweaver as it made editing this blogskin so much easier than trying to figure out the html stuff.

Of course there were still a few pieces I had to add in, and I had to adjust the comments and insert the tags for the links still aren't finished, but all in all, I like my new home here at Blogger.

I'm not going to dis my former blogsite, I am just going to say that I moved because I felt that my needs wer enot being met there and I was looking for a fresh start, a clean slate, a new place to lay my dripping poured here today. No thunder and lightening though so that was good! Thunder and Lightening generally indicate my server will go down and if that happens I can't work from home. I know, I know - I need a new UPS but who wants to spend the money?

anyway, I'm off to make some dinner and maybe chill with a nice glass of wine before I try to get my documents together for tomorrow morning (another early meeting in the big 'smoke'.

Can you say LUCKY ME?