Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Name Game

So what's in a name...

it's odd how the characters of a good story can suit the name they are given, much like in real life different people really do meet the expectations or preconceived ideas we have based on their name.

I remember growing up we had a neighbour named Trevor. Trevor was just a little feminine, but he was such a nice guy it made it difficult to not be his friend.

Not that long ago, I recall being in my local grocery store hearing a mother call to her child using the name Trevor.

I was not at all shocked to see that my vision of a child named Trevor hadn't changed. Even this young lad was a bit feminine looking and not at all someone I would associate with playing sports or other male ritualistic-type actions.

Here's something to try next time you go into your favourite bookstore.

Pick a book, any book (but I would prefer a wonderful romantic story).
Now before you read the teaser at the back of the book, skim through for the character names.
What visual do you get when you read the name of the character. Do you associate their name immediately with someone you know? Do you give them some of the same physical features?

I am writing this because:
  1. I am stuck and don't know where to begin
  2. the names of the characters are really hard for me - I have a visual, but I just can't find appropriate names
  3. I'm feeling a bit lazy this morning and I just wanted to do something creative to see if I could get the juices flowing

Now that I've got my fingers limbered up on the keyboard like a pianist warms up before they play, I believe I may be ready to begin.